

Apparently, Bismark said that everything happens 50 years later in Mecklenburg. That’s just a rumour though. Mostly. It’s true that pace of life is a bit more relaxed up here, but that’s a good thing – it means that living in GREATER ROSTOCK always feels a little bit like a holiday.

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Something to float every boat


They say it’s not easy to make small talk in Mecklenburg. That’s true – we prefer to make friends. And where could it be easier to do that than at work, school or kindergarten, at university or in your new neighbourhood?

From a casual job selling the region’s beloved fish sandwiches to a management position with one of the region’s global players, the spectrum of jobs on offer is as broad as the beach at Warnemünde. The only thing that’s missing is you. To find out what sectors are currently booming and where you might fit in, take a look at the WORK section of the site. If you’re in a rush, it’s probably best to go straight to the jobs portal to find the vacancy you’re looking for.

Not everything about 2020 was bad. In fact, that was the year the government of MV decided to make childcare fully subsidised. Since then, parents pay nothing to send their kids to a crèche, nursery, childminder or after-school/holiday club.

Another thing which makes it easier to combine a career with a family is the fact that every child over the age of one has a legal right to up to 50 hours of childcare per week. In special circumstances, this right can be extended to children under a year. And for parents who have to work shifts, Rostock even has a 24-hour nursery that can look after kids overnight.

To find childcare provision, click on the district you’re interested in:


The Greater Rostock region is spoilt for choice when it comes to schools. After four years of primary school, kids either move on to middle school for two years before deciding what kind of secondary school to attend, or go straight to a grammar or comprehensive school where various different kinds of school-leaving qualifications can be obtained. The region’s inclusion policy is designed to ensure that as many pupils as possible with special educational needs can learn at mainstream schools. To find out how non-German speakers are integrated into the classroom, read about how digitalisation is progressing and discover why Plattdeutsch is sometimes on the curriculum here, visit MV’s education ministry website.

Being near the sea makes Rostock and the surrounding area a popular choice with students. But there are other reasons to study here than fantastic beaches, beautiful countryside and a vibrant student scene. Numerous pubs, bakeries, cafés and cultural institutions in the region offer discounts to students, and public transport is included in their term fees, so students can get around basically for free.

Even more importantly, there is a huge range of courses on offer in the GREATER ROSTOCK region. In fact, at the region’s seven institutes of higher education, it’s possible to study almost anything. Some of the over 250 courses on offer are ONLY available here. Demography, for instance. Or aquaculture. Or piano duets. Rostock has a long academic tradition, being home to the Baltic region’s oldest university- today world-renowned for its research and teaching. The other institutes of higher education in the region offer also a dazzling array of subjects, ranging from social work to music, design and police sciences.

Interested? Click here for a list of the main higher education institutions.

Vocational training opportunities in GREATER ROSTOCK are also many and varied. Alongside classic sectors such as tourism, retail and catering, placements are available too in specialist niches such as boatbuilding and theatre set design. For a full list of the skilled trades that can be learned, and of the region’s trainee schemes in sectors ranging from healthcare to industry, see the IHK, der Handelskammer or Job Factory websites.



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